Data Science and Data Analysis project. These projects are being displayed on Kaggle or Medium.
Build a neural network using Pytorch to and then train the network to predict 10 classes of clothes with probabilities.
DiscoverHouse price prediction using python programming with a supervised learning model.
DiscoverUsing the machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived on the Titanic shipwreck.
DiscoverThe primary goal of the project is making the exploratory data analysis using numpy, pandas, seaborn and matplotlib library for TMDB movies dataset which is collected between 1960 to 2015
DiscoverThe project attempt to work through predictive analysis in Python to practice how to build a logistic regression model with meaningful variables.
DiscoverIn this projets,work on the preparing the data for logistic regression using absenteeism data which is show the absenteeism at the company during work hour.